Lehigh Valley Community Benefit was honored to be featured in Keystone Motorcycle Press
Lehigh Valley Community Benefit (LVCB) hosted the thirteenth Annual Tucker’s Toy Run (TTR) on Saturday, November 4, 2023. Tucker’s Toy Run is held in memory of Tucker Stuart, who died in a motorcycle accident in 2011.
It was another huge success, as many in the biker community consider this one of the best rides in the region. A police-escorted ride, with blockers at intersections, led over 700 motorcycles and nearly 1,400 participants from the Tri-Boro Sportsmen Club in Northampton to St. Luke’s Hospital in Bethlehem on a brisk Saturday afternoon.
Riders were greeted by St. Luke’s staff and community members as a sign of their appreciation for the toys, other donated items and for the riders simply bringing cheer to the children receiving care at the hospital.
LVCB President Rick Nauman thanked St. Luke’s staff, all the volunteers and the riders for their support. “To date, since this Toy Run began, we have donated over 60,000 toys to the pediatric unit at St. Luke’s,” Nauman announced. “This one-day event provides enough toys for the hospital to last an entire year,” he added, congratulating the crowd for their ongoing efforts.
The 2023 event helped push the total amount of money donated over the past 13 year to over $305,000.
The generosity and commitment of both the motorcycle community and nonriding community are crucial in making this event so successful each year. The toys collected will bring joy to many children and relief to many families during this holiday season and throughout the year.
The fun didn’t end with the ride. Participants were able to bid on over an unprecedented 200 gift baskets as part of a silent auction and participate in 50/ 50 drawings throughout the day.
Then the highlight of the day, the annual bike raffle drawing. This year’s Grand Prize, a brand new 2023 Harley-Davidson Street Glide Special, was won by Katie Kakinda, the lucky ticket holder and grand prize winner. There were also ten additional prizes of $1,000 each for even more winners. Tickets each year are available online and from different establishments. Be sure to enter our 2024 bike drawing… you could be a winner of a new Harley or $1000.
Live music was provided by Scott Marshall and The Highway Souls and food was donated by many local vendors including Little Creek B-B-Cue Company. LVCB’s Vendors’ Village was filled with vendors selling clothing, motorcycle accessories and more.
This wonderful event not only brings motorcyclists together it also contributes to several important causes. LVCB also donates to local and regional animal shelters, first responders, veterans, and to members and families in the community who are in need of help during times of crisis. Tucker’s Toy Run creates a sense of unity and makes a positive impact on the lives of those in need.
To learn more about this motorcycle-friendly, Pennsylvania charity, please visit Lehigh Valley Community Benefit (LVCB) at lvcb.org.